Sunday, May 8, 2011

Have You Been Bamboozled By The Thoughts?

Being up against whom you think you are is very a formidable task. It is not a lightweight something to deal with. It is definitely within the heavyweight class associated with knock out materials.

Realizing this "you" individuals - which will free you up from being lost within the machinations of who you believe you are - is actually life transforming, thoughts transcending and it is immediate.

This particular immediacy aspect of it is so confusing and misinformed -- it has to be that you should be able to continue on as who you think you are; which is what is going on as well as what you are up to on a momentary basis of your everyday living.

If you can turn phrases that have the potential for pointing you towards a seeing past of who you believe you are - such as "here and now", "unconditional love", "being", "presence" - into hip phrases and using them as if the actual mentioning of the term were the fact, much more fact, all along you do nothing at all regarding going beyond who you think you are, then this motion of whom you think you are - which is the mind informancy of the mindbody by a mind that does not want to lose the power that you keep on passing on - has certainly created quite a position for itself where it will continue to give food to off of your rejection to do anything at all concerning the realization of that "you" are.

All in all this particular mind of your own is quite clever. It's you completely bamboozled by its capacity to draw the wool over your eyes and have you not being this one that's already flowing via your eyes; not being the actual and real independence that this "you" of you currently is; not realizing energetically that this "you", that is moving through the eyes of this mindbody that you find yourself flowing through, is truly the actual divine one by itself.

Now that is quite a Nited kingdom.O. would you not agree? and in the very first second of the first round.

So, yes, being up against whom you think you are is quite a formidable job. It will have you convinced that you can do it or worse, that you are actually realizing "you" while all the while you aren't realizing this one, that this "you" is, at all.

That "you" are is nothing of what is arising, though it may be flowing through all of the arisings, all of manifestation and unmanifestation. There is no contradiction or paradox in order to any of this.

What is flowing through your eyes is the enrichment, beatitude as well as wonderment of itself, that is completely beyond every thing even as it is what is behind the actual creation and nutrition of the arising.

The point where this one is divinely connected to and in communion with this mindbody, that you'd otherwise mistake to become yourself, is the very exact refinement of that which is flowing through the eyes of this mindbody right now. However, you live as if you know it not.

You can come to know it. The actual knowing of it is in the being of it. You can be it because this is "you".

The actual being of it is incorporated in the immediacy of you realizing or finding this "you" of you that is currently flowing through your eyes right now. Not only must you find this energetic aliveness that is flowing through your vision - which is this same one that is totally the intelligence as well as magicalness of the beyondness of existence which brought everything into the play and dance that you now find your mindbody being danced by - however, you must stop at and as this one as well.

This particular of course, runs contrary to who you think you're and this you will get accustomed to as you begin to do what you need to do to be the freedom that is already and truly free from you right now.

Article Source: articlemotron . com

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