Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Systemic Yeast Infection

Wide spread yeast infections or yeast may well be the unfamiliar epidemic of the day and are most often caused by using antibiotics. Systemic candida albicans (fungus) are extremely hard to detect and destroy. New information about the actual cause of yeast infection -- a relatively new branch associated with medical science -- is discovering that chronic intestinal and systemic yeast infections are at the main of a host associated with medical problems including chronic fatigue, allergic reactions, chronic infections, and several, many others. And, as you may expect, these intestinal and systemic candida albicans are also the source of other recurrent and chronic yeast infection problems such as dandruff as well as vaginal yeast infection.

It is thought that 80%-90% of the human population is affected by a yeast or a systemic yeast infection (men, women and children). If you are very regimented you may have even attempted the infamous yeast diet, which tries to "starve" the candida through depriving it from the foods that are easily converted to the sugar that feeds wide spread yeast infections (Low Carb or even the GI). Many illnesses are often misdiagnosed in humans when the actual underlying cause is actually Candida Albicans (a wide spread yeast infection). Some of the illnesses a systemic yeast infection can cause are:arthritis, gout, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, high cholesterol levels, crohns disease,irritable bowel syndrome, asthma, allergies, acid reflux, arteriosclerosis, skin psoriasis, eczema, roscea, hives, acne, dandruff, depression. Most of these illnesses are of an "unknown" trigger.

If your doctor believes you have a systemic candidiasis, a blood, stool or tissue sample will be tested for the fungus. If your doctor determines that you have a systemic yeast infection, you might get intravenous doses of amphotericin or flucytosine. To combat systemic yeast infection you can use enzymes, which work specifically to assist the body return to balance and helps in combating Candida yeast, as well as cleaning up toxins from the entire body, re-establishing good bacteria as well as pushing out the candida and also enables the individual to eat better meals. They play a crucial role in combating systemic yeast infection by flushing out the dying Yeast toxins out of the body and free radicals at the level of cells. Much like other types of candida albicans, systemic yeast infection generally occur secondary in order to anything that weakens the body's organic barrier against colonizing organisms. The diseases as well as problems of systemic yeast infections can be quite varied as well as life threatening.


Consult your practitioner prior to starting or making modifications to your diet, dietary supplements, exercise program, diagnosis or treatment of illness or even injuries and for advice regarding medications. Systemic yeast infections are untouched by antibiotics and are able to thrive and take over the body and, as the yeast enters new territories, this entrenches itself and will keep doing so and makes further advances until some treatment is come to control and eliminate it.

Fortunately, there is an effective oral treatment option for the treatment of yeast infections. Treat your yeast infection with a single oral dosage of Diflucan, the most effective candidiasis treatment. In a current survey of some 179 women who have used both Diflucan and vaginally placed creams, 9 out of ten women preferred Diflucan for the treatment of candida albicans. Unlike previous treatments were messy inserted creams had to be utilized, Diflucan offers a one time tablet that is just as efficient as the seven day application of a cream.

Article Source: articlemotron . com

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