Friday, February 5, 2010

The more a woman to sleep better with the 10 simple tips

Dear women, if you sleep on a problem, for example, take a long time still can not sleep, easy drowsy, sleep at night time and not enough, do not want to solve with drugs. So, following these 10 simple tips can help you overcome insomnia, sleep better with you more:

1. Not to worry about getting enough sleep

Try not to worry about how long you can sleep, this anxiety would make the situation into a bad sleep cycle, which is known as the "sense of insomnia," occurs when you are very worried about their ability to get enough sleep.

2. Do not force yourself to fall asleep

If you try to force yourself to sleep, often awakened themselves, and hard to sleep.

3. Only you really sleepy and tired to sleep, when Zaiqu

When not trapped in bed, in addition to a waste of time, but also to spend more time to fall asleep.

4. Do not look at the old clock

Many people have this habit, I can not sleep, when chosen to take a look at a few points, and always to calculate the subconscious can sleep for several hours. This will contribute to anxiety, it will be harder to fall asleep.

5. Sleep before warm-up

Some studies have found that before going to sleep so your body to keep warm, for example, a hot bubble bath, you can easily let you sleep.

6. Do not oversleep

Do not be nothing to do at night, they sleep hard. If so sleep a few days, will break your biological clock, then you will be hard to sleep at night.

7. A healthy sex life

Sexual life is well-known in the night a way to ease the pressure. A healthy sex life can increase feelings, to let the body relax, while sleep is also good.

8. To avoid alcohol as a medicine for you to fall asleep

Avoid drinking alcohol late at night, it is generally considered to drink before bed can help sleep, but in fact the first time, alcohol may indeed play the role of sedatives, but the long-term view, the alcohol may lead to many side effects on sleep have injury .

9. Layout of your bedroom and bed, so that they only sleep and sex and the life of the

Do not I was eating, watching TV or reading in bed. While these things will help some people sleep, but also a subconscious brain: bed is not a suitable place to sleep, it makes you sleep.

10. Try to give up lunch break

If you have a lunch break or a nap habits, and want to fall asleep more easily at night, sleep, then you should first try to quit lunch break and see what happens

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