Monday, January 25, 2010

The lack of sex woman easy to disease

Breast lobular hyperplasia is a common form of female breast diseases. Some data indicate that early age at the time produced more than 30 years old, has never childbirth, postpartum non-breast-feeding, frequency of abortion, sex life too thin and many other women, a higher incidence of breast hyperplasia. Thus, breast lobular hyperplasia and the relationship between sexual activity is still very close.

In order to reduce the incidence of the disease, from the "nature" perspective, available from the following aspects:

First, we must timely marriage and childbearing.

We must advocate late marriage and childbearing, but it should not be too late. The best 28-year-old married woman, aged 30, before the birth, too late child-bearing are also negative eugenics.

Reminder: September 1, 2003 effective as of the "Beijing Population and Family Planning Regulations," Article XVI wrote: encouraging citizens to late marriage and childbearing. Women over 23 years of age, men over 25 years of age at first marriage for the late marriage. Married women over 24 years in early education for childbirth. And childbearing women face greater reproductive risks and disadvantages.

Secondly, we must do a good job of contraception.

6 weeks of pregnancy when the embryo villi secretion of estrogen and progesterone can stimulate breast hyperplasia. If for flow, the proliferation of breast tissue atrophy is not easy, more difficult to restore the status quo ante, and this easy to form a lobular hyperplasia.

Third, sexual intercourse regularly.

Breasts of women say that breast-feeding is not only an organ, but also sexual organs. Sexual life, the breast will occur periodically change: in the sexual arousal periods, breast venous congestion, the breast increases, fullness; sex duration, the areola congestion, nipple erection; orgasm, these changes have also reached its peak; sex orgasm After the areola congestive quickly faded, a quarter of an hour and then increased gradually to restore the status quo ante of the breast.

Breast of these reactions, functions as a regulator of the breast. If long-term lack of sexual activity, would be the absence of such physiological regulation, it is easy to induce lobular hyperplasia and breast cancer. Therefore, the rules should be carried out between husband and wife sex life.

Finally, to breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding can reduce the breast hyperplasia and breast cancer incidence.

Eight attention to prevention and treatment of breast hyperplasia

◆ 1, adverse psychological factors that would increase the endocrine disorders, prompting the increased hyperplasia. Should be noted that little angry, maintaining emotional stability, lively and cheerful mood that is conducive to proliferation of early recovery.

◆ 2, changes in diet to prevent obesity, eat less fried foods, animal fats, sweets and excessive tonic foods, to eat more vegetables and fruits, eat more whole grains. Black soy beans the best, eat walnuts, black sesame, black fungus, mushrooms.

◆ 3, should be the law of life, work and rest, maintaining a harmonious sexual life. Endocrine disorders can be adjusted to maintain smooth stool will reduce breast pain.

◆ 4, more exercise to prevent obesity, improve immunity.

◆ 5, prohibition of abuse of estrogen-containing contraceptives and beauty products, do not eat chicken with estrogen-fed beef.

◆ 6, to avoid the flow of people, many breast-feeding mothers can take preventive measures.

◆ 7, self-examination and regular review.

◆ 8, a clear diagnosis, the condition of patients to develop a reasonable treatment

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