Tuesday, December 22, 2009

3 blood roots of food to a woman charming

Beauty of you, need more than just the skin of the white snow, but also there is a face of the rosy peach. Spring comes, make your cheeks are some of Tim pink bar atmosphere of Spring.

The roots of women are not born

The blood of women rely on nourishment beautiful the face of significant side. Only impetuous blood surplus, can delicate skin soft, ruddy gloss, Jiao Yan jade, non-powder is also Tim Jiao Shi. However, women's physiological characteristics of women prone toAnemia.

More than 10-year-old adolescent, we have developed strong, the body's demand for iron, coupled with menstrual cramps, prone to iron deficiency anemia;

More than 20 years of age, pregnancy, breast-feeding, infant nutrition, we must supply of fetal material, greatly increased iron requirements, such as no additional supplement, anemia is almost inevitable;

More than 30 years of age, we are vulnerable to intra-uterine contraceptive ring, the impacts of uterine fibroids, menstrual large amount of iron loss has become inevitable;

More than 40 years later, we absorbed the gastrointestinal tract dysfunction, hematopoietic function of weakness, anemia is also increasing.

4 Mistakes roots of no longer

In addition to its other physiological characteristics, women in the diet are also likely there are some errors, but also led to an important reason for iron deficiency anemia, so that you appear flustered, dizziness, pale, insomnia and other symptoms.

Misunderstanding a useless iron vegetables and fruits

Many people do not know that eating plenty of vegetables and fruit is also good for iron. This is because fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, citric acid and malic acid, such organic acids to form complexes with iron, thereby increasing the solubility of iron in the intestine will help iron absorption.

Myth # 2 meat damage to health

A lot of girls because of Papan, always talking about meat discoloration. They tend to focus only on plant foods such as vegetables and fruits, health effects, resulting in iron-rich animal food intake is too small. In fact, the animal food is not only rich in iron and its absorption rate was as high as 25%. The iron in plant foods by the food contained in the phytate, oxalate and other interference, absorption rate is very low, about 3%. Therefore, do not eat meat easily lead to iron-deficiency anemia.

Myth # 3 eggs, milk nutritionally adequate food

The iron content of milk is very low, and the absorption rate of only 10%. Some of the egg protein will inhibit iron absorption. For example, milk-fed infants, complementary feeding, if neglected, often causes iron deficiency anemia, that is, "milk anemia." Thus, although the nutrient-rich milk, eggs, but to rely on them to supplement the iron is undesirable.

Myth # 4 cup of coffee and tea addicted

For women, too much to drink coffee and tea, may lead to iron deficiency anemia. This is because the tannic acid in tea and coffee in the polyphenols can be difficult to form soluble iron salts, inhibit iron absorption. Therefore, women drinking coffee and tea should be enough is enough, 1 to 2 cups a day should be sufficient.

What blood beauty the election?

Iron-rich foods: animal whole blood, animal liver, meat, shrimp, egg yolk, black fungus, kelp, sesame seeds, large paws, celery, amaranth, spinach, eggplant, millet, cherries, dates, Muscatel grapes and so on with are relatively rich in iron.

With the hematopoietic function of foods: bone soup (including pigs, cattle, sheep and poultry, fish bones stew), pork liver, bovine, Yang Gan, chicken livers, duck, foie gras.

To promote iron absorption of vitamins: vitamin A and vitamin C can promote the iron absorption and utilization. The diet, such as by adding 50 mg of vitamin C, can increase iron absorption rate of 3 ~ 5 times. The human gastric mucosa is to absorb the major part of iron in food, if the body lacks the acid, iron absorption occurs have, therefore, achlorhydria are more should pay attention to.

3 blood roots of food

Gui He stewed pigeon Lily

Material: pigeon 1, longans? O grams, 50 grams of lily, ginger one, salt, monosodium glutamate the amount.

Practice: 1. Wash the pigeon, longans shelling, lily wash with warm water after a little bubble; 2. The dove, lily, longans into the stew pot, mix it with water and put it into Paisui of Ginger, Dunzhi pigeon Shulan, the pick to go Ginger No, transferred to salt, monosodium glutamate Dunzhi tasty, Sheng Ru Pen in the be.

Effect Description: The pigeon that contains extremely rich in protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins and some amino acids, a supplement liver and kidney, benefit qi and blood, Chufan puzzle effect. Longan and warm sweet, with Heart and complement, beneficial blood effect. Lily of flat sweet, slightly bitter flavor, with Yin heat, lungs cough, soothe the nerves of the efficacy of pure heart.

Polygonatum burning Zhushou

Material: Zhushou 2, Polygonatum 15 grams, salt, MSG, ham, juice, salad oil.

Practice: 1. Zhushou cleaned with boiling water boiled; 2. Pan put a little salad, ham, juice, boiled into Zhushou until Zhushou color, add an appropriate amount of water, Polygonatum, salt and MSG, slow fire to burn 3 to 4 hours, remove the transfer to a plate; 3. Zhushou the remaining broth to cook evenly pour in the hands of branding for pigs.

Effect Description: Pig in the hands contains a lot of gum, for beautyBeauty has a very good therapeutic effect, while it can pass the blood milk, very suitable for frail women eat. Polygonatum also have Ziyin lungs, Sheng Jin Yangwei effect.

Fan Tray cuttlefish soup

Material: Tomato 200 grams, 200 grams of fresh squid, ginger 5 grams, 5 grams of onion, salt 5 grams, Shao liquor 10 grams, 30 grams of vegetable oil.

Practice: 1. Wash the tomatoes and cut into thin slices; 2. Wash fresh cuttlefish, to a black fascia, cut into 4 cm square block; 3. Ginger slices, spring onions and cut into sections, the cuttlefish and tomatoes into the basin READY; 4. Wok set fire on the Heat, add vegetable oil, burning six mature, the next into the ginger, Cong Bao Xiang, injecting 600 ml of water, burning boil down into the tomatoes, squid, salt, Simmer 25 minutes Serve with.

Effect Description: Ziyin Runzao, fill in and blood, wide-intestinal catharsis. Tiaojing cuttlefish is a woman's nourishing food. Cuttlefish have Zi liver and kidney, supplement blood achievements. It is worth mentioning that the cuttlefish is quite the ideal woman as a health food. It is recorded that women eat squid are nourishing, eyesight, pass through, tocolysis, Lee production, bleeding, prolactin and other effects

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