Friday, December 11, 2009

How can I find the source of marital happiness?

All women want their feelings happy, marital happiness, and are willing to make unremitting efforts, but often just the opposite.

Many women do not understand the way towards a happy marriage should be how to get, and even in some complex being unable to extricate themselves stranded just blindly act in accordance with their own ideas, resulting in errors into an unhappy marriage. Therefore, the wise woman should do is to find the bad feeling led to an unhappy marriage and give their marriage a bath.

1, dedicated to complex

Jiajia is a typical wife and mother-type wife, did her husband marry her, but also because I appreciate her gentle kindness and dedication. But after he married the Jiajia, dedication, there is getting worse: her husband was stationed in the provinces for one year, Jiajia hesitation, accompanied by the resignation. Although her husband advised her, said: "I'm only going for one year Well, you give up that kind of work accompanied by my side, it is not worth it, at worst the holidays are not on the list to visit again?" But Jiajia is to not bear to let her husband out alone unattended ground and insisted on going, and are for their dedication impressed everyone that said, I have everything to her husband. Moreover, Jiajia belief that women are only to give up their all, in order to seize the men.

Bath recipe: Modern elite men, will not be satisfied with a wife, mother, wife, housekeeping nanny-type, but rather turned to the pursuit of like-minded, spiritual love resonate with a partner-type. Depending on the kind of full marriage for life, blind self-sacrifice of the woman, will eventually lead to loss of self, and thus lost the marriage and her husband. Such a woman in their lives that there is no harmonization, they often excessive, excessive blaming her husband a result, it will aggravate contradictions. Even if the life of a smooth, simple "dedication" of the wife was very difficult to understand and value their own pleasure, or even because of excessive preoccupation with the family, away from the workplace, away from society, resulting apathy and alienation with her husband and eventually a vicious circle. "Dedication" was her husband, the family's wife, often a lack of continuous improvement, to improve self-motivation in the long run, even if the natural beauty, will become an empty boring, not to mention an extraordinary woman do?

Therefore, even if in love with her husband, and then focus on their families, but also not to quit his job and leave the labor force as a prerequisite, although it was so, it should be good at or interested in their own areas to find a part-time, such as magazine Write Xiegao Zi, or to be a free illustrations, etc., to be a leisurely were not scattered in SOHO, and society to maintain a certain contact, it would be a good way to constantly upgrade themselves, without the distance and her husband pulled too far.

2, romantic feeling

Xia Yan's husband prior to her special care, often to give her a small gift from time to time brought to her surprise, large or small, let her prepare a sense of happiness and romance. Can be most recently, her husband due to work increasingly busy, for her enthusiasm, as they like before, even often forget their wedding anniversary, as well as the summer of Yan's birthday. She was particularly sad for this summer Yan, suspected her husband is not love her, or another loved one, and thus began to suspect that there is always love.

Bath recipe: the relationship between husband and wife are not static, but is constantly evolving, even the often-changing new, such as from the initial romantic into today's reality. The initial stages of marriage, whether husband or wife, is very easy to extend and maintain the time of romantic love, you Shannon I Shannon, Rujiaosiqi. But when the marriage to enter a stable stage of development, as a pillar of the family of the husband would consider more practical issues, such as money buy a house, keeping a car and so on, between husband and wife is also a result of the emotional attachment from the obsession with a view into the period. At this point, the meaning of romance has changed from deep to superficial appearance of the content.

Therefore, wives do not always complaining about her husband's birthday, or ignore them to a special day, as long as her husband for you, the family still fulfill their duties, and has been distractions, the surface of the romantic and why're happy to do.

3, beautiful complex

Admire the recent busy shaping, bent to be a "man-madeBeauty. "Over 35 years of age, she learned from the theory of beauty is: a woman is over 35 years of age, the body of the machine began to decline in appearance and is easy to aging, the body will be aliasing, we must rely on manual techniques in order to maintain a beautiful image; Otherwise, the husband to see you more and more wrinkles, more and more drooping of the breasts, there will definitely be turned off. To this end, admired choosing to act to eliminate bags under the eyes surgery. surgery went well, only ten days after the crush facial are iron blue, so that her husband was a sense of baffling.

SayOrthopedicOnce the gates opened, it will, such as flood stream. Admire is the case. Subsequently, she had to do aRhinoplasty Surgery, And the breast, abdomenLiposuctionAre all listed in its own "artificial beauty" schedule. When admire this ambitious plan to tell her husband, the husband Dengda eyes, like to see, like a Hunchback of Notre Dame said to her: "I do not know how more and more you, you had better go home I had married that woman do?"

Bath recipe: women beauty, like concerned about their appearance, nothing wrong, but if too concerned about their image, it is a kind of self-denial, lack of confidence. And, when his wife had put more focus on the modification and repair on their own appearance, it is easy to overlook its intrinsic value to her husband, and the other the most direct, the most common adverse effects are: they tend to ignore the marital life the most important emotional investment, can be described as forest for the trees. The results, not only for himself, creating more pressure, but also an objective to make her husband feel more depressed and disappointed and soar.

Moreover, the shaping of excessive, particularly in breast, lung, after hip, though, "looks beautiful", but an entire body without a "non-treated" woman, such as glass-like brittle, even though her husband want to hold you, I am afraid will be scaling back not before for fear of a not careful, which will hurt the "parts." How can there be more than that sad thing?

4, care complex

Liuyin married three years, she and her husband were highly educated intellectuals, a small husband and wife usually mild-mannered, Xiangjingrubin, but recently there was a heated quarrel, reason was actually liuyin her husband too "care" a.

Her husband used to freedom when a single, readily misplacing things, everything was sloppy. Always coherent liuyin life skills that can not be tolerated, would like to have to try to transform her husband. As a result, one day, her husband enter the house, liuyin take him as a key monitoring objects, closely watched for a while too, he did not wash bowl clean, is not conducive to food hygiene; for a while too, he litter socks, it is intolerable; for a while that he Jia Cai soiled the table, and immediately handed him the napkin and let him wipe clean ... ... examples are numerous. As a result, the original home is a relaxed place to find a husband, began to complain that the unit was still very nervous than at home. One night, had had enough of her husband, "flash floods": "Can you less control I do!" Liuyin with open innocent eyes, said: "I am It's all for you Well!"

Bath recipe: everything needs to have a balance. The wife of her husband's concern, too, even the concern, but also needs an appropriate, otherwise, once too much, he will probably not well-intentioned well reported that the heart is grateful for her husband will be very difficult, or even more likely to be objectionable. Therefore, as a wife, or to choose their own doing, and we must do so without looking; or two do together; or not to control too much, let her husband do it themselves, not always a worried look, fear not you , her husband will Gaode chaos. Ism can not be too perfect, to open eyes one eye closed one eye. Doing so, both will not feel tired.

5, happy feeling

Dawn is a sentimental person, university, had also great respect for Lin Daiyu Shangchunbeiqiu poetry, leaves falling Xie will let her melancholy, unit personnel disputes also often made her depressed. Every broken-hearted frustration, she had hoped her husband could take with me, not only did she complain of the object, but also act as a part-time mentalDoctorsFor her to solve problems. Dawn thought, since I was your wife, you of course obliged to hurt me, love me, for my well-being and happiness is responsible for. Of course, Dawn will try to help her husband get rid of negative emotions, out of the depression, but her husband is not a one size fits all, is not always successful, but also no guarantee that accompanied the dawn side anytime, anywhere, by relying on a shoulder to her. A long time, and Dawn always the case, her husband began to feel tired.

Bath recipe: I have a woman would complain to her husband not romantic, less thoughtful, less understanding, and even The resulting "My husband no longer loves me," the conclusions of their own thus adding to a lot of trouble, no way to happiness together. In fact, the real joy comes from their need to create their own initiative, to look for, rather than passively waiting for others to give to charity, and thus reduced the feelings of beggars. Women must have their own social contacts and have their own particular circle of friends, so as to live a valuable, and can feel happy. A happy wife, happy not only with their own emotions her husband, nor will it become a burden on her husband, let him marry such a wife feels it is a tired one thing.

Or Tolstoy old saying: an unhappy marriage, each have their own misfortune, although the marriage, fortunately or unfortunately, many factors, but many times, as long as both spouses can work together to identify the crux of the problem, and actively improve, we will certainly will find the source of marital happiness. Learn and remember to keep to their marriage and take a bath, but also marriage and a new face, you will feel after bathing bursts of fragrance, as well as rushing toward the taste of happiness.

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