Friday, December 18, 2009

Pillow put something sleep good?

Insomnia has become an important issue affecting the health of modern people, it not only affects the person's mood, and even can affect the person's immune system.

1, take appropriate onions, wash, mash, placed in a small bottle, cover, before going to bed a little off Cap, smell the odor, you can sleep after 10 minutes;

2, will be about 15 grams of chopped ginger, wrapped with gauze placed pillow, heard its aroma can safely sleep. Both of these methods in general use for 10 days to 1 month after sleep will be significantly improved.

 Diet tips:

  Jujube Hypnosis:Jujube sweet, sugary type, protein, vitamin C, organic acids, mucus quality, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc., there is Spleen, sedative effect. Night with jujube 30 ~ 60g, amount of cooking water will help to sleep.

  Lotus Hypnosis:Lotus fragrance and delicious, with Bu Xin Yipi, nourishing and soothe the nerves and other effects. In recent years, biologists tested confirmed that the lotus seeds contain alkali, calming ingredients such as aromatic glycosides; meat can promote the secretion of insulin the pancreas and thus can increase the supply of 5-HT quantity, it can make a person fall asleep. Nightly bedtime sugar boiled lotus seeds would be a good Zhumian role.

  Millet Hypnosis:In addition to millet is rich in nutrients, the tryptophan content of millet grain in the first place. Chinese medicine believes that it has a spleen, and stomach, sleep and other effects. Food law: take millet amount, add water, porridge, dinner or bedtime food consumption, this may be sleep effect.

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