Sunday, December 20, 2009

Anemia affects women's sexual function

Megaloblastic anemia due to vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency anemia. Occur within the bone marrow morphology in patients with abnormal megaloblastic red blood cells, red blood cells in the blood of large increase in vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency is not only can delay the maturity of red nucleus lead to anemia, but also may result in reduced sperm count male sperm decline in the quality of men and women loss of libido. Although all types of anemia on sexual function are affected, but megaloblastic anemia is most evident.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common anemia, particularly prevalent in the reproductive period of women and pregnant women. The long-term iron deficiency anemia among women in the phenomenon of widespread loss of libido. Iron and nutritional status of epithelial cells, and therefore suffer from iron deficiency anemia in women, vaginal and vulvar mucosa atrophy was meager state of sexual intercourse will feel discomfort or even pain. Over time, naturally decreased libido. In addition, anemia easy to hypoxia, thus making this intense sexual activity, patients often have a serious sense of the spirit is willing, sex life becomes a burden.

Significant symptoms of anemia, when urged not to force sex life, otherwise it will increase the symptoms. However, in the spiritual and physical good time, sex life, and will not be worse. Anemia patients to be more emphasis on sexual techniques sexual intercourse, mutual caressing of the time can be longer, but when the action copulate more relaxed, time can be shorter. Female patients with genital and vaginal dryness are not feeling well, you can use spermicidal creams or lubricants such as to increase vaginal lubrication, sexual intercourse to facilitate the smooth progress. Better nutrition to improve the sexual function is the condition of anemia patient recovery and improved quality of life of the fundamental guarantee.

Anemia of people should pay attention to diet:

Tea: The tannic acid in tea easy and cheap iron to form insoluble tannin iron, hinder iron absorption, while the human body make hemoglobin synthesis to reduce iron deficiency and increased symptoms of anemia.

Garlic: Garlic contains more volatile substances, excessive consumption can inhibit gastric secretion, to make hemoglobin, red blood cells reduced, increasing anemia.

Milk: Milk iron content is low, while the calcium and phosphorus content of high body iron easily and milk of calcium, phosphorus combined forming insoluble iron-containing compounds, so that the amount of iron the body is even more inadequate.

Fat: Eating too much fat, inhibit human hematopoietic function, while too much fat digestion and absorption of the anemia of patients also have an impact, so the amount of daily intake of fat should not be more than 70 grams, generally about 50 grams is appropriate, it is best consumed vegetable oil.

Basic Food: Alkaline environment is not conducive to iron absorption, gastric acid will also affect the lack of iron in free and conversion of food, so eat as little as possible in patients with anemia of basic foods such as steamed bread, noodles and so on.

In addition, anemia in patients with digestive disorders are often co-exist and not try to eat the food digest, such foods are peanuts, walnuts, almonds, chives, garlic, onions, and no Zhulan a variety of meat.

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