Saturday, December 12, 2009

Women shaping slimming easily get to 30 seconds

Every day, Office Ladies, there will be more or less time is spent in the boring waiting for. In fact, they can use this time to exercise their body. Even without the space, equipment, love the movement you will always come up with some way to come.

  Head gymnastics

Remain intact upper body, head and neck rotation to the left as far as possible, until you see the shoulder shall prevail to maintain 3 to 5 seconds, and then turn to the right side of head and neck require ibid. Repeat 5 to 10 times to do. This groupSportsCan contribute to the headBloodCirculation and improve brain function, enhance memory. Particularly suitable for those who spare time to do mental work.

 Abdominal exercises

Standing on the table, his legs open, and shoulder width, upper body in order to waist rotation axis to the left, his arms to both sides of the swing. At the same time, right forearm and hand flapping the abdomen, left forearm and wrist flap waist, so that Fubei have been tempered, but also allows the hand and arm to be relaxed. Then change hands, change direction.

 Body exercises

Hands naturally hang down, legs open, and shoulder width, arms by the side of the body on the move, while the relatively hands, and Fan Zhang upward as far as possible on the care, two fingers, and take a deep breath to see three times, restored after the redo again and again to do 5 to 10 times. This set of actions can contribute to systemic blood circulation, increase lung capacity, especially for sedentary office of the mental.

 Knee exercises

Upper body erect, feet closer, knee peg-leg, hands on knees, rotating from right to left 10 times, and then from left to right rotate 10 times. This set of actions conducive to the blood circulation of the legs, so that sedentary to stretch the legs to prevent the legsDiseaseOccurred.

 Leg exercises

Rotary on the support arms akimbo or material on the lift and stretch in front of his left foot, toes dug up, and then heel under the pedal a little harder, do for the right foot, repeat more than 10 times. Foot movement becomes more subject to people's attention. Because the second leg is a human heart, the right leg movements help the blood return.

 Facial exercises

In the other person, you can also do some facial appropriate activities. Zuizhang into the first round, and then close up; Bijin, the attempt to form a smile gesture facial muscles, then slowly relaxed; Finally, cheeks blown sphere, sustained a few seconds, then relax. For the ladies, the more such a practice would reduce the mouth and face in the vicinityWrinklesTo make the skin taut.

 Foot exercises

Sometimes a long wait, in your table below put a bottle in the bottle with the foot rolling back and forth through the bottles on the soles of the feet strong friction, can relax the foot muscles and improve blood circulation.

 Cart parade

When you're in the supermarket pushing a shopping cart, long line waiting to checkout, you can try to do so:

The first step: The hands on the shopping cart on the side of the bracket, with both hands forced out points, and then again within the combined.

Step two: Hold hands repeatedly, relax.

Step three: put your hands grip on the shopping cart, one hand raised, a subordinate pressure.

This operation can exercise arm strength and the hand, and increase your shopping delight

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