Saturday, December 5, 2009

Do not eat this morning, three kinds of food is best

Cold drink:

The temperature difference is too strong incentive for the General Assembly, the gastrointestinal tract, leading to sudden contracture.


Banana In addition to containing Zhumian potassium, but also contains large amounts of magnesium, if fasting for human consumption, the amount of magnesium in the blood would suddenly rise, while the magnesium affect the heart function is one of the sensitive elements.


Pineapple Village contain strong enzymes, fasting eat and Shang Wei, its nutrients to be better after dinner in order to be absorbed.

 Health Tip:

 He Cu morning nor fasting or eating garlic. Fasting He Cu will lead to hyperacidity and Shang Wei; and garlic would be gastric mucosa, intestinal wall cause irritation, causing stomach cramps.

Know the early morning food taboos, on the immediate action to find a program suited to their own Yangwei, where several recommended for all options:

  Yang Wei Tang morning

Ingredients: 50 grams of red dates, with silkworm chrysalis cocoon 20, regular white sugar.

Practice: 1. Will be washed red dates, and the cocoon with the wok, add 800 grams of water.

2. Boiling was converted into low heat slowly boiled for 15 minutes.

3. Filter juice into the bowl, add sugar, seasoning Serve.

Efficacy: soup sweet the United States, Yangwei spleen, lungs and Sheng Jin.

  Mulberry Sandwich

Material: Some sliced bread (or salty taste), a bottle of mulberry canned.

Practice: 1. The mulberry cans open, scoop out the 3 to 4 tablets on mulberry bread.

2. And then scoop a few tablespoons of mulberry juice, bread evenly poured on-chip, will fold the slice of bread can be.

Effect: not only Yangwei, but also has the eyesight, Liver and brain role.

  Sooner or later, Yang Wei Zhou

Ingredients: rice 50 grams, jujube 10, lotus 20 grams.

Practice: 1. Lotus soft with warm water to the core, rice panning clean, jujube wash.

2. Three into the pot with, plus amount of water, stir to boil, the text Huoao Zhu Chengyu.

3. Based on personal taste after seasoning food sooner or later.

Efficacy: Yangwei spleen, but also prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia

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