Sunday, December 13, 2009

Young woman breast girl big difference method

Adolescent females

Some can eat rich in vitamin E, B vitamins, protein and hormone secretion can promote food, so as to achieve the purpose of bodybuilding breast. Therapeutic side as follows:

Chrysanthemum Egg: one plant, the chrysanthemum, pine nut kernels 10 grams each, duck 2, Gong Zhu. After knocking a cook cooked eggs, cooked eggs spoil food. 1 serving a day.

Yang Gan Braised eel: Yanggan 10 grams, 150 grams of rice field eel. Yang Gan slice, eels cut into sections, salt, chicken marinate for 20 minutes, then stir-fry Yang Gan and the eel oil, add Diospyros lotus 20 grams, peanuts 30 grams, 10 grams of ginger pieces, soy sauce, salt of a little, cook instant, 1 night eating.

  Adult female

Some adult female body shape slim, breast fat accumulation and fewer, it is not enough breast fullness. You should eat plenty of high-calorie foods such as eggs, meat, beans and vegetable oil-containing foods. Therapeutic side as follows:

Milk lamb stew: 150 grams of yam, lamb 500 grams, 500 grams of milk, salt, ginger all a little, together stew for two hours, twice a week to eat.

Ginseng lotus seed soup: 5 grams ginseng, lotus seeds 20 grams, 10 grams of crystal sugar, stewed for two hours every other day to eat, day 1.

 Women over 35 years of age

Women over 35 years of age, breast size on both sides of inequality, in addition note that sleeping position to take corrective massage and other methods, the therapeutic side as follows:

Kelp simmer Carp: Kelp 200 grams of cooked trotters 1, peanuts 150 grams, 500 grams of carp, onions, ginger, oil, salt, cooking wine a little different. Oil and ginger, spring onions fried carp, Zhu Hou water and placed in the other ingredients, cooked together can be taken.

Litchi porridge: litchi stem 15 (peeled taking meat), lotus seeds, yams of 150 grams, 250 grams of lean meat, along with porridge, eaten twice a week

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