Sunday, December 20, 2009

Workaholics to become the new darling of diabetes

Modern people, particularly in large cities office workers, work load and working pressure, leading to a lot of people to work and ignore the normal patterns of life, but also increases the risk of diabetes risk. "Psychosomatic medicine" magazine published in Israel's latest research shows that the greater the workload, the greater the work pressure of people, the more risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Tel Aviv University on the 667 senior executives, middle-level executives and professionals (such as engineers, teachers, laboratory workers, computer technicians) will conduct a study and found that a high workload and stress of people, there more chance of type 2 diabetes mellitus low workload and stress were high 84%.

There are many factors leading to diabetes:

Such as family history of diabetes, poor eating habits, reduced physical activity, obesity, high alcohol consumption, mental stress and so on.
Working pressure of people prone to diabetes, primarily because the spirit of long-term high stress, resulting in excessive secretion of adrenaline, causing blood sugar, blood pressure continue to rise.
In addition, other risk factors in the work pressure of people who are often able to find, will greatly increase their risk of diabetes.
Secondly, the feeling of work pressure are often those who are workaholics, they eat, rest, fitness has been dedicated to their jobs. If you miss a meal time and snacks will be at the back of excessive intake of calories, resulting in blood glucose, blood lipid and hormone levels suddenly increased after a meal also lack of exercise, blood glucose may be difficult for the next day down to normal levels. Over time, diabetes will of course have not been invited.

While the pressure of work sometimes is unavoidable, but the workaholic may be they must attack first in sports and to ensure a normal diet rules to minimize the risk of diabetes, for example, in the work preparation of fresh fruit and vegetables a box or a bag of assorted milk, yogurt and other foods to avoid when working together do not have time to eat food. No time for exercise, people can go to work by bus, when a small Zuoyi Hui, multi-station a few stops, you can also take fewer layers of elevators, multi-stair climbing. For a large number of smoking or drinking habits of workaholics, should minimize the number of smoking and alcohol consumption, so you can minimize the incidence of diabetes

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